

of the alarm? NO. To the sound of golfball size hail bashing your house, car, and yard. Thanks.

That is how we woke up this morning at 5:30 AM. It only lasted 20 minutes but it was completely unexpected and reported to be the worst storm in 20 years.

That was until 6PM that evening. Check these pics out. It dropped baseball and softball size hail. I guess mother nature decided that she did not finish her job this morning so she came back with a vengeance.


We got lucky. No substantial damage that we can tell of thus far. People we see have holes all in their windshields, complete roofs have given to, trees that were full of leaves last week are as bare as winter bones now.

Not only that but we also got 3" of rain in one hour. That is more rain than most places will get in a whole month at any given time this year.

Oh, did we mention tornadoes? Call it what you want, but when these are outside your garage it is thrilling and scary in the same rush of emotions.

Until the next one, we will be waiting. Next time leave the hail somewhere else.

one last shot before i head in!

the continous rotation within the whole storm was unsettling. the girls where so scared they had already got in the bathtub with pillows and blankets!

nasty. the entrance of this storm pretty much sums up how it is going to be.

this funnel cloud was right over head.

well, this is the leading edge of the western most side of the storm / aka a wall cloud. this is where the tornados drop. this one has already dropped 2 today and we are under a warning that one is developing as we see here. this is only 4 blocks away from our house and behind it is baseball size hail. we got lucky.

nasty. this a huge bubble of nothing but mean storm, right overhead.

looks more like a hurricane than a thunderstorm

lots of rotation near the wall cloud seems to be pushing down

wall cloud is rolling and churning

wall cloud trying to tell me something?

hmm, whats that?

the wall cloud has taken shape and is dangerous


the rotation this storm was kicking out was amazing. it was churning overhead throwing 70 mph down winds and inflows 10 miles from here where pushing the clouds up to the ceiling at over 50mph - at 10 miles away....

wall cloud coming

mix it up. right over head, within 20 seconds the temp has dropped from 82 to 58 and the storm was brewing over head.

check out the hail cell. the silver line/white lines. this is a matter of minutes from pounding us.

hard to see? this is about 60ft away from the shot. it is a chunk of hail over 2" in size that hit us tonight!

check out this shot out the front door. you can see a chunk of hail roughly the size of a baseball falling from the sky towards my mailbox. lots of softball size, and tennis ball size hail fell only one mile away from here.


golfball size hail pounded us today. not once, but twice.

taking a beating. 3" of rain within a total of 1 hour!


memorial luck?


i had a 76 at a course that I have never broken 85 'legitly' on and then I shot a 78 on a course that took me all summer long to break 80 on last year.

SWEET. I really like the Mizuno MP32's. It is a blade but it has straigtened out my game like you would not believe. I feel like I am threading a needle sometimes. They are smooth. Thanks to the wife for the putter at Christmas too. The Scotty Cameron RedX has my putts per green average down to 2.

Lastly, I hit a borrowed Taylor Made r570 over 330 yds, in the fairway, 90% of the time this weekend. I had one push 400 yds. It was awesome.

I will update the golf status this weekend. I need one more round on an unfamiliar course to test my advancements.