
Trick or Treat

The girls and us got to carve some pumpkins this year. They picked them out, decided what they wanted, and even helped gut em!
Getting down and dirty with the pumpkin guts.... Posted by Picasa

Lots of teeth; we settled on this after disputing about a ghost for an hour. ... Posted by Picasa

Sponge Bob knock off.... Posted by Picasa

Smiling, hearts for eyes... Posted by Picasa
the finished product Posted by Picasa

Well, all is well, i guess.

All is well; although I have not updated this in a very, very long time.  

I have been so overwhelmed with the things around me I have not been able to find time to share the positive things going on.  The holidays were a whirlwind of travel and fun.  They came and went as fast as they will be here again.  I am not even sure why we take down the Christmas tree anymore because it feels like it is almost time to get it out already.

The girls are doing really good and are developing into strong minded, creative, and beautiful charms.  They are still doing ballet, tap, piano, learning German and French and Spanish; yet they still find time to paint, help cook, become addicted to video games, and still outlast us at the end of the day.

Oh yea!  I lost 2 hard drives over the last 3 months so I have been sleeplessly salvaging what I could.  I have been cautious to port over my digital pictures because of that.  However, I got a new laptop, an external hard drive, AND I signed up with a online vaulting service that backs up my images every night into a nice little data center.  This is the coolest thing I have seen in a while; no worries… (

Last thing, my company got bought out by Verizon..  Now I am Verizon Business!