
last night in Maui, Amber and Wendy outside the gardens in the courtyard.

make it a double

seriously. at every turn no matter where you are on the west side of maui there is art in so many forms surrounding you.

one to many pina coladas...


whats in your front yard?


Amber and Wendy

Dustin and Amber

Wendy and Don

perfect picture of us all, except that stupid blackberry. i thought we were on vacation. stupid cingular just had to have service in Hawaii.


after a 20 minute hike, deep in to maui, you can find amazing shots like this. this particular location is located in the middle of a hippie compound that grew during the 60's. needless to say, there is lots of interesting vegitation growing abound.

not really that interesting until you have seen this up close. it was over 10 ft tall.

dustin & amber. still dry.


from within the cave, the light creates a very strong precense.

inside out.

not that big? yea, sure. check out how small the person is at the bottom of the falls.

blurred shot

bring the baby when you surf, sure to increase your odds of making the wife real happy.

peddling out to catch some small waves

windsurfers taking advantage of the afternoon trade winds!

on the road to hana, on maui. this is the surfing hotspot...im still pale. i just found my luggage after 3 days of dealing with American Airlines "delaying" its arrival. more to come on that subject.


full moon on the beach

dinner with the usual suspects

down from the hotel in Maui


break the seal

with all the time we spend away from the world we live
in i hope that this will serve some purpose in the worlds we create for

really, i hope to be able to communicate in a more
effective manner to my remote family and friends. it seems that i am
working, studying, and being the family guy 17 hours a day 6 days a week.
that means i dont have much 'me' time - muchless the ability to call everyone,
send you emails, pictures, etc.

i also have come in contact with hundreds of associates
and friends over the last 8 years that are all over the world. now, tell
me this will not be much easier than that awckward phone call after 3 years to
see if we are still alive. now you can get a play by play 24/7

so, here is to trying something new.